“Making art is often a labor of love, as will be this documentary.”

- The HTFAA Film Team

scroll down to meet us :)


Cat Rider and zap mcconnell (cazap) are the two crazy nuts that decided to make a feature documentary, in case you were wondering, at any point in this process, who to blame… who to blame for the life-giving, soul - feeding, raw, funny, told-with-a-raw-punk-rock style story that you are so lovingly fed. We are here to make a film that nourishes you, and invites you, with our friend Mary, to connect to yourself and the people in your community.


photo by: Catharine Dee

Life & art & spirit & dance are all a part of our interconnected world. After two successful artistic collaborations (a music video film & a dance film), cazap was born. A combination of zap mcconnell & Cat Rider, cazap is movement, experimentation, story & inspiration. This director duo lives by “process is product,” aiming to disrupt the hierarchical norms of creating through the process & product of their filmmaking.

photo by: Kristin Finn


cazap and How to Feed an Artist is supported by the production studio, Storyocity, who is providing resources in the form of our producer team, including executive, creative & logistical producing. They are also donating much of the production equipment and crew, AND the post-production facilities to house and work on the film throughout production. We literally couldn’t do it without them. Literally.

Anyone who has ever met David or Garret (the owners of Storyocity) knows that they live with their heart on their sleeve, and it reverberates through the whole studio. Our whole team leads with passion and excitement. We’re bound by a love for the craft. And we’re pushed by our insatiable desire to craft stories and experiences that are worth falling in love with.

Literally forever

Founded in 2017

(it’s way cooler than ours…)

the dogs are the real MVPs

Kayleigh Lennon: Producer with Storyocity. Keeps our butts in line. Professional organizer this film and therefore our lives

+ Griffy: Also keeps us in line just with that face.

Garret Ollish: Producer, second camera, lighting. There is actually legit for real only one Garret Ollish in the world. Seriously, google the name. But we already knew that.

+ Tomo: Thinks the film is about him. Forces you to stop editing because he needs attention, which we are actually grateful for.

Kerry Stephens: Sound goddess. If you look up ROCKSTAR in the dictionary, a photo of Kerry booming audio is there. Take our word for it.

+ BLUE: Second guesses everything we do. Can’t you tell?

Mary Haglund: The helm of our story, breakfast queen, story consultant.

+ Lola: Our queen

Cat Rider: Director, Cinematographer, Editor, bad cop, dog-less.

zap mcconnell: Director, Art Dept w/ Cat, animation, good cop, also dog-less.

Check back as more and more bricks of faces stack up to build the home of our film.